Welcome to Zhuowei Zhao's Home Page

Zhuowei (Alvin) Zhao 

Level 2, Melbourne Connect,

School of Computing and Information Systems (CIS),

The University of Melbourne (UoM),

Carlton, Victoria, 3053,  Australia

Email:  zhuoweiz1@student.unimelb.edu.au


Zhuowei Zhao is a Ph.D. student in the School of Computing and Information Systems (CIS) at The University of Melbourne (UoM) under the supervision of Dr. Junhao Gan, Dr. Jianzhong Qi, and Prof. Zhifeng Bao. Before he started his Ph.D. study, he finished an MPhil degree under the supervision of Dr. Jianzhong Qi, and Prof. Rui Zhang in the same school

Research Topic

 Learning-based algorithms with non-trivial theoretical guarantees for solving problems on massive data.


       Efficient Example-Guided Interactive Graph Search

      IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2024. (source code, poster)

A Graph and Attentive Multi-Path Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2022. (source code) 

      A Learning Based Approach to Predict Shortest-Path Distances

      International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT),  367-370, 2020. (source code) 

         *The authors are ordered alphabetically


       MPhil Thesis,  School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne.


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